
DVD Review: Alice

Alice is a film that really stuck in my mind. TVOntario (I believe) would play this film late at night from time to time in the early nineties. It just popped into my head again this past weekend. Mixing stop-motion animation and live action, there is some exceptional imagery -- both artistic and somewhat disturbing. This is a dark take of Alice in Wonderland, but true to Carroll's story and text.

The film is by Jan Svankmajer, a Czech animator who is truly a master of understanding realistic, natural motion. You'll notice touches like a character stopping to pick an individual bit of lint, hair or something from an object they are examining; the White Rabbit getting dressed and spending time to make sure his gloves are on well by putting his index finger between digits and then folding his hands together. Despite the obvious bizarre visuals, the characters are well put together and this makes the film compelling.

Some screengrabs from the DVD:

Alice Alice, the only actor in the film
White Rabbit The stuffed and mounted White Rabbit
Narrator Alice is the narrator as well, so every time another character speaks, her lips come on the screen to declare, for instance, "said the March Hare"
Caterpillar The Caterpillar. Yes, it is a sock.
The Mad Hatter The Mad Hatter. Man does he want a clean cup!


The DVD is fairly unremarkable, but includes the original english dub I remember (note: this is the only audio track). It also includes a later short film by Svankmajer, "Darkness Light Darkness". I highly recommend Alice!


As an aside, today was International Talk Like a Pirate Day. The song below should let you know what you missed.

Yo Ho, Yo Ho (A Pirate's Life For Me) (Listen here, ya scallywag!)

PS - I travelled back in time to make this blog entry. Cool, eh?


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